Career and Retirement

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Career and Retirement: A Personal Safety Net can be extraordinarily useful in thinking through this portion of your life. The school, career or retirement you choose will depend, of course, and to some extent, on finances, friends & family, your belief system, and how you define your community and therefore, where you draw lines on where to look or options you csn consider.

Here's some things to look at as you consider these parts of your life and your next steps:

- Where are you on the path from school to job, or from career to retirement?

- What does the next step look like to you?

- Have you collected certificates, diplomas, awards, letters of recommendation & test scores along the way? Do what you can - you never know.

- Help keep this part of your Personal Safety Net organized by gathering and placing these things and your wishes in a place where you, and those you want to have the information, will be able to access it:

    • Brokerage information
    • Burial instructions
    • Cemetery plot deed
    • Funeral Home information
    • Health insurance documents/info
    • Information for obituary
    • Military discharge papers
    • Workplace information
